Why I walk


My mom was right when she said we'd be so busy this fall the days would fly by. Before I realized it, we are already halfway through September with the holidays approaching faster than I realized. Which means October is around the corner which is Breast Cancer Awareness month. For me, This October feels raw and full of emotions as 1 year ago, I found a lump, was diagnosed and started chemotherapy all in the month of October. 

Fast forward 11 months and while I am still in treatment, I am praying the finish line is near. As October is 2 weeks away, my company has joined the Susan G Komen Los Angeles chapter to walk in support of Breast Cancer awareness. This year, it is a virtual 5K walk taking place on September 25. I battled with the decision whether to join, whether to share my own story. As time has passed over these 11 months, I have realized that the fastest growing population of women being diagnosed with Breast Cancer are under 40 years old. If I can help one person catch a lump in its earliest stages, it could literally save a life. 

So this year, I am walking with my Protiviti LA team to raise awareness. Without my family, friends, and therapist, I would have ignored my lump. I would have waited to see the doctor. We wouldn't have caught the cancer when we did, which could have turned into tragic results. I am one of the lucky ones. 


Scanxiety& cancerversaries


Bidding a New start