United We Stand…& Shave our Heads

The time officially came this weekend when my scalp started to ache and I realized I was losing a lot of hair. I had been told this day would come and made the decision last week to wait until it started to fall out to cut it off. 


Many people recommended getting in front of it and shaving it before it started to fall out, but I couldn’t quite get myself there. 


Finally Sunday morning came and it felt like time- my long curly hair was no longer recognizable and it was falling out rapidly. 


With the help of a few great neighbor friends, i decided it was time. The kids were with nana and papa so we had a quiet house to ourselves. I originally wanted to do this alone- I figured I’d ugly cry and scream and didn’t want anyone to be around that hot mess situation. 

At the last minute I realized it’s better to have a hand to hold and called a couple friends who dropped everything and ran over immediately. We opened champagne (because why not?) and started cutting away. 

We ended up laughing way more than crying and got a little carried away with the Sunday champagne. 

Waking up Monday was the worst part (+ a small hangover) to the realization I had to face the world looking like a different version of myself. 

The biggest blessing of all was seeing our friends and my boys rally around the new look. Brandts “BFF” wanted to shave his head for me, so we spent Monday night shaving the kids heads. Marc came home Tuesday with a buzz cut and it was emotional to see how much my boys rallied behind me.


Maxie is not allowed to cut his hair - because frankly we all need a little sunshine right now and his curls are too good to risk them not growing back the same way. 


As I got ready for my second treatment today, I noticed the small hairs starting to fall out. In a few days I’ll be bald and really look like a cancer patient. Marc kindly reminded me that I am a cancer patient. Jury is still out when I’ll actually admit it to myself 🤣


Thank you all for the love, prayers and check-in texts. Every single one makes a big difference and I’m overwhelmed by your love and support - and even your white lies that this hair cut looks good!! Hahaha 


No Hair, No COVID & (almost) No white Blood Cells