one more to go!

Well we made it- 15 treatments down, one more to go. I’ve been counting down to March 15 since I started the weekly treatments in December. It’s surreal to think that it’s finally here, and we made it on time and on schedule.  As I look back, it’s hard to believe that my body has held up through 15 chemotherapy treatments. I cannot even begin to thank my care team, our family and friends- we wouldn’t have made it to this milestone without this village of support. 


My body started to deteriorate 2 weeks ago from the accumulation of drugs pumping through my system. Since then, I haven’t been allowed to drive long distances or do much more exercise than an easy walk. The forced rest time has done wonders to my strength but has been rough on me mentally. I’ve always used exercise as a way to kick start my day and relieve stress. So the last 2 weeks have been difficult to shift into a lower gear and take it easy. 


I have been catching up on my laundry list of Netflix shows and napping most days. The boys have been amazing and so flexible - and none of it would have been possible without our friends and parents who have all jumped in to entertain the boys when we need it. 


The last few days have been a roller coaster of emotions as I approach this 16th treatment. The realization that I have cancer is starting to hit me. While the worst of it is almost over, we  now switch focus to surgery in 4 weeks and radiation / potential additional chemo in the spring. My type A self has been so focused on the schedule of chemo, and making it through each week that it’s overwhelming to think about what comes next. The fact that this cancer will be something we have to continue to fight and then monitor for the next several months is becoming a reality.


On the positive side, the tumor appears to have shrunk to a point the oncologist can’t locate it in a manual exam. Some stubble of hair is showing up and my lashes are starting to sprout (shockingly it’s very painful!!) Side note: the lash/brow/hair serums really do work!

We have a busy week ahead with an MRI on Wednesday to check progress and a meeting with my surgeon. Understandably so, my anxiety is at an all time high thinking about what the MRI will show. Your prayers and support have gotten me this far - as much as it is to ask already, the more prayers this week for good news the better!


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Slowest Countdown in the World