Every Day is a good day

It is just some are better than others. Someone repeated this quote this morning as we embarked on a sunrise hike. I've gotten the opportunity to be at "the ranch" the last few days with my mom. This is a trip that has been postponed a few times due to the pandemic. We finally were able to secure a 5-day window to escape across the border and into another world. Of course getting here wasn't easy. It seemed that everything could go wrong did and threw us into a bit of chaos scrambling to get out the door on time.

But we made it. And it's an alternate reality. There is hardly any cell service and internet is in isolated places across the ranch. So you have to work real hard if you want to be connected to the outside world. And there is no TV. So it's basically you, your thoughts and the other guests you are surrounded by. Whether you are ready or not, you are thrust into a meditative environment and deep, open conversations with complete strangers.

I've been here about 40 hours and I feel like it's been 5 years. I guess that's what happens when you spend a lot of time with your thoughts. Being here feels like the pause button has been pressed on life. The sun shines brighter and the trees are more fragrant. Maybe your senses are heightened when you strip the craziness of life away. You actually experience your surroundings instead of sprinting through them. People seem more open and vulnerable. Instead of the one-upping rat race, everyone seems ready and willing to share their story, and listen to yours.

So back to this morning. I was setting off on this hike at 6:45am - not unusual time for me - and this woman in front of me repeated this quote, "Every day is a good day. Some are just better than others". I will be the first to admit I am guilty of letting a bad interaction or a frustrating email set the tone for the day. But if you take a step back and re-frame the perspective- does it change how you experience life? If you manage to find something negative or bad in everyday is every day a shitty day? Do shitty days equate to shitty years and a shitty life?

But if every day is a good day - there is a real power in that. Shitty things will happen every day. Someone will cut you off in traffic, your kid will talk back and refuse to listen the first time. A colleague will be condescending toward you in front of your team- annoying, frustrating things happen every day. BUT- think about it for a second. If every day is a good day, do the annoying moments roll off like a drop of water? Do you start to experience your surroundings a bit more because you aren't focused on the negative things that are happening each day?

While we finish out our week in this beautiful serene setting, I can't help but think about what I am going to take back with me, or change in my daily routines.

I think this is a good first step. Start, continue and end every day reminding myself that each day is good day. We are here, we are loved and have the ability to love those we hold so dear. Maybe, the annoyances will bead up like a drop of water, and roll off my back. And just then, you are lucky enough to experience this life the way it was meant to be.


Mirror, Mirror


The Grief of Cancer